Course Example
How To Explain Blockchain to Anyone
Even Your Mom
This paragraph can be used as an explanation about the course content or as an additional sales tool to help people make the decision to take on the course. If that is the case this page might also include a "buy now" button that will open a simple purchase or sign up portal.
The course description can also include information about the courses modules. Each Module represents a 15 to 45 minute time commitment in material for the online learner. The modules can be broken up by pages. Each page will include different learning tools or elements like videos, written texts, images, audio files, infographics or downloadable materials.
Here is a very short example of a course explanation.
This course is designed to help individuals develop a simple method of explaining the value and basic functionality of a blockchain to anyone.
This course has 8 modules:
01 Blockchain and Your Mom
02 Can a Blockchain be Hacked
03 Become a Translator to ALL Things Technical
04 Blockchains in the Wild West
05 Web3 the Future of the Internet
06 We Didn't Start the Fire
07 Slartibartfast and the Fjords
08 It's a Beautiful Day to Walk On
The Instructor​
Sean Anderson
Great communication is one of Sean's deepest passions. Helping folks find their voice and craft their message visually, through the written word and orally is at the center of what he does. Sean has focused on developing teams and communication, Sean is passionate about helping organizations hone their message, create their Business Development strategies and raise capital. He has been called upon to help companies such as The Ghannad Group, Weber Consulting, Video Narrative and TokenOro find their voice and build strategies that propel them forward to their next level. His unique set of skills as both a creative and a closer have allowed him to lead teams and organizations into spaces of growth both financially and functionally.
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